Monday, December 27, 2010

O Meu Cachorro - Piri-Piri

So I got a dog, not sure if I mentioned this before, but I did I bought a puppy and named her Piri-Piri, which is what they call hot peppers here. She is about 4 months – I am not too sure on her exact age and she is a cute little mut of some sort. I gave her a bath the first night and she did pretty well it turned out to be a neighborhood endeavor and it was funny to see people’s faces when I took out a towel to dry her off they couldn’t believe that I would use a towel on a dog! Haha She is in major teething phase and so likes to bite and chew whatever she can get her choppers on, which is usually my arms – I did get her a rabies shot last week, which is good. She sleeps outside and has become a good guard dog for our yard, but because she has matar-ed (killed) a few of the neighbors baby chicks and one of their chickens I have had to keep her tied up during the day when I am not around to keep an eye on her. She loves to play and I just don’t think she knows that her teeth are really sharp and will do damage to whatever they bite…

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